Monday, February 29, 2016

Respect Every Human Being

Respect Every Human Being
Child and Family Day

Respect Every Human Being

It’s a superior level of love
It involves looking deeply into the core of another human being
Entering the mind, heart and soul of that human being
Making that person your prime and total focus
Making her or him feel valued
Listening intently
And with love

It’s getting to know someone
Wanting to know them
Being there with them
And nowhere else
Giving them hope
And loving them for whom they are

I see you
I am with you
I am there for you
You are in my heart
My very being
I am giving you my all

I respect you
For the magnificent human being that you are
I have found that beauty within you
You too must find that beauty
Your essence
As I am attempting to do
You are a gift to the universe

If only I could see every person in this light
Dr. Tony

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Each Moment is an Act of Love

Each Moment is an Act of Love
Love day

Each moment is an Act of Love

And it truly is
Because each moment is given to you by God
And everything God does is done out of love
God gives only the most beautiful gifts
Recognize this moment as one of those  gifts
God’s gift to you
A magnificent act of love

Love this moment
It’s a display of God’s love
And it can become a picture of your love
Made magnificent by you
And of inestimable value
A display of God’s love
And yours

This moment
An act of love
God’s love
Made just for you
It is your moment
Just yours
It belongs to no one else

Relish this moment
This sublime moment
This act of God’s love
Destined to become your own act of love
For God and all mankind
What does it take to make it happen?
Just a moment

Dr. Tony

Saturday, February 27, 2016

See God Everywhere

See God Everywhere
Spirituality Day

See God Everywhere

Or if you prefer
See the Good everywhere
God and Good
They are the same
When you seek the Good
You seek God
It’s the same call

See the Good everywhere
And you call on God
It’s a beautiful call
Do Good!
And you please God
God wants nothing more
Do Good and you do God’s will

See God everywhere
And you see the Good
There’s kindness and beauty and love
There’s truth and wisdom and hope
There’s the animals and the birds and the creatures in the sea
There’s the sun and moon and stars and the heavens above
And there is God everywhere who is all Good

See God
And you see only the Good
See Goodness
And you see only God
Seek love, peace and joy
And you searching for the essence of God
And of Goodness

No wonder “it is all good”
Dr. Tony

Friday, February 26, 2016

Habits Can be Broken

Habits Can be Broken
Happiness Day

Habits Can be Broken

And some should be broken
If they are unproductive make them productive
Or they will hurt you
Don’t make excuses for keeping those that are of no value
You’re wasting your time
And maybe you’re afraid of change
Don’t be!

Change is good
Bad habits must be changed
Because they are unproductive
Break those bad habits
Here’s the start
Your belief that you can do so
And you will!

Don’t hang on to unproductive habits
They will do you in
And the most destructive habit of all is
It’s not something you need
Decide to change those anxieties one at a time
You can do it!

Habits can be broken
Break your anxiety habits
Each one of them
Identifies an opportunity for change
They are your opportunities for change
Now is the time
Do it!

There are therapists that can help you
Dr. Tony

Thursday, February 25, 2016

It May Never Happen

It May Never Happen
Healthy Living Day

Photography Credit: Scenescapery

It May Never Happen

And I worry about it just the same
And that leads to more worry
And worry after worry
It’s the Law of Attraction
A negative thought leads to another negative thought
A positive thought leads to more positive thoughts
Choose positive thoughts

It may never happen
But I let it bother me
I have done that
And I am still working on breaking that habit
It’s a habit
Which needs to be broken and can be
It’s time to do so

It may never happen
But I can’t stop worrying about it
But that’s not true
I can stop!
But I must believe that I can
I can find the way
And I can learn to believe in myself

It may never happen
But I let it happen in my head
I bring it to life
And it takes on an existence all its own
It comes to life
It’s happens in my head
It’s anxiety

Habits can be broken
Let’s talk about that tomorrow
Dr. Tony

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mediocrity Surrounds Me

Mediocrity Surrounds Me
Caring for Self Day

Mediocrity Surrounds Me

I’m mediocre
I’m not going anywhere
I’m neither here, nor there
I’m the nowhere guy
I’m not a sinner not a saint
I’m the nowhere gal
I’m just not going anywhere

I’m in the middle
I wish I were somebody
I wish I were special
I wish I were happy
I wish, I wish
I have no goals that get me somewhere
I’m just not going anywhere

I’m a nice guy
I’m a nice gal
I’m liked
I can be fun
I’m okay I guess
I’m not bad 
I’m just not going anywhere

I’m mediocre
I’m stuck
I don’t know who I am or who I am supposed to be
I’m okay I guess
I’m no better than most
I’m no worse
I’m just not going anywhere

Counseling is about going somewhere

Dr. Tony

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Saint or Sinner?

Saint or Sinner?
Relationship Day


Saint or sinner?

Choose one or the other
You always have a choice
What do you really want?
Are there really valid choices?
Good or bad
Is that a choice?
So why would I choose “bad”?

Maybe we’re not always thinking
Maybe we should do more thinking
Maybe we are responsible for our failure to think
That’s a lot of maybe’s

There’s another choice
Maybe it’s not an expressed choice
Maybe it’s something we fall into
Maybe mediocre Is no different than sinner
They both end up in the same boat
One that’s sinking

It may be the right choice
It may not be difficult
Give it a try

What do I have to do to be a saint?
Just be nice to people
Be kind and considerate
Be happy
It sounds easy
Maybe it is, if you want it

Dr. Tony

Monday, February 22, 2016

Forgiveness Revisited

Forgiveness Revisited 
Forgiveness Revisited



Caring for Self Day

In counseling I find many patients

Who have difficulty forgiving

And who would profit greatly

If they learned to forgive

For that reason I am reposting this article on


(Previously posted on 2-5-15)
It’s Healthy to Forgive ...
Whatever you don’t forgive
You carry with you
It’s your burden
Free yourself of the burden you carry
Choose to be free
Why carry the burden of another’s “sins”?
Are they really sins?
So what if they are “sins”?
Do we really want to drag them along with us?
Is forgiveness a weakness or a virtue?
“The weak can never forgive
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”
Mahatma Gandhi
Imagine that!
Only the strong can forgive
Be strong!
Anyone can hold a grudge
It takes character to forgive
When you do forgive you free yourself from a huge burden
You are not saying what was done was ok
Or that the person deserves forgiveness
You may or may not continue a relationship with that person
Let go of grudges!
You deserve peace
Why hang on to the past?
Forgiveness frees us from a past burden
It gets us unstuck
Holding on to a grudge is like drinking poison
And expecting the other person to die
It only hurts you
When you forgive
You set the captive bird free
And then you realize
You have been that captive bird
It is also important to note
That forgiveness is about
If you really want to learn about love
You  must learn to forgive
The learning process takes time
You must believe in the value of forgiving
And then experience the fruits of forgiving
It should ultimately make us feel good
I’m Free
Freedom feels good

Dr Tony

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Criteria for a successful marriage

Re-posted from 6-10-15

The Criteria of a Successful Marriage



Relationship Day
What are the criteria
For a successful marriage?
They probably are the same as they always have been
Here’s a long standing textbook definition
Note it well!
I am attracted to my partner
We have a lot in common with each other
And I choose my partner as much as
My partner chooses me
Again, note it well!
    I am attracted to my partner
This assumes a physical attraction
And more
There is something about this person that draws me to him
Or that makes me want to be with her
   We have a lot in common with each other
Regarding what we enjoy doing
Regarding family and friends
Beliefs and values
And what’s important to each of us
  I choose my partner as much as my partner chooses me
It must be a wholehearted choice
Between two lovers
It must involve two people
Both feeling totally chosen

Dr. Tony
What a beautiful thing a marriage can become!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Happy Prayers

    Happy Prayers

Originally posted 11-14-15

Happy Prayers
Happiness Day
Happy Prayers
But shouldn’t all prayers be happy?
After all, they are prayers to God
And why wouldn’t each and every prayer to God
Not create happiness in us?
Shouldn’t the mere thought of God
Make us happy?
Even at times
Ecstatically happy?
My God is a happy God
Isn’t yours?
If your God is not happy
Then that may affect your own happiness
And make you sad
Happy prayers
They are the result of viewing God
As a happy God
Why not view God that way?
And create your own happiness
A happy God
Is the result of your vision of God
See God as happy
And your prayers will be happy
And you will be happy
Create your own happiness
God has given you that power
Dr. Tony