Saturday, January 30, 2016

January 2016 Summary Blog

January 2016 Summary Blog
Spirituality Day
That’s what January was all about
It’s up to you to choose it
There’s no better choice
Happiness with God
It’s the only true happiness
It does not exist separate from its Source
But it’s there for the asking

What a world it creates!
Don’t be without it
If you are
Change your thinking
The world is full of happiness
Make it your goal to find it
It awaits you

It involves loving yourself
And positive thinking
It’s a gift from Beyond
It’s meant for you and everybody else
I need it, you need it, we all need it
Accept what life brings to you
Change what you can and accept the rest

Is a thing of beauty
Make it yours

Dr. Tony

Friday, January 29, 2016

Happiness Is the Goal of all My Blogs

Is the Goal of all My Blogs
Happiness Day
Photography Credit: Scenescapery

The Goal of all my blogs
Is happiness
I chose that goal
Because God is happiness
Then I thought, why not be like him?
Why not be happy?
He must have created us to be happy, not sad
I’m sure it is our mandate from God to be happy
How fortunate we are!

What more can there be to life?
What better gift can flow from my blogs than happiness?
When we are happy
We are in touch with the Source
Who is love and peace as well as happiness
All three exist in one another’s company
Love, peace and joy
They can never be separated
They are the three loyal sisters
Who are always together

What goal could be better?
Than writing each blog
With the purpose
Of making people happy
You couldn’t ask for more
And what more could be given to you?
Than love, peace and Joy

Find happiness and you find God

Dr. Tony

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The God of Happiness

The God of Happiness
Ultimate Happiness Day

The God of Happiness
He must be some God, this happy God
He must be truly special
To be the God of Happiness
After all
He is the creator of happiness
The epitome of all happiness
Of all that is good

Choose happiness
And you choose God
But it must be true happiness
That deep inner feeling of love and peace
I never realized or recognized happiness’s preeminence and  value
until now
Value happiness!
And you value God

Don’t underestimate happiness
If you do
You underestimate God
Happiness is of the essence of God
Happiness is an extraordinary sign of God
It is God
When you are happy
You display your Oneness with God

When you are happy
You become a picture of God
And God is seen in you

Dr. Tony

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Parents Model Happiness

Model Happiness
Another Happiness Day

Model Happiness
As parents, this is your task
If you want your child to be happy
You must teach her how to be happy
You must show him what happiness looks like
It’s a beautiful sight
Don’t teach her to worry about your unhappiness
You deserve happiness
As well as they

Teach Happiness
It comes from doing all the right things
From being loved and valued and respected
And your children learning to do the same for others
It’s about being kind, generous and understanding
And your children learning to do that too
It’s about teaching the virtues of human life
To enable your children to learn the meaning
Of true happiness

Value happiness
Your children won’t value it
If you don’t show it
Nor will they learn it
If you don’t show it
So where and how will they learn it?
It’s your task to teach them
If you don’t
They may choose the wrong people to do so

Dr. Tony

, Click here for Bruder Counseling Center's Website!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Teach the Children Happiness

Teach the Children Happiness
Happy Child Day

Teach the Children Happiness
It’s what they need
It’s what they want
It’s what will make them thrive
And grow

Teach the children happiness
And they will become the smartest children
In the whole wide world
Because they will know what is important
They are our future

Teach the children happiness
And they will celebrate its brilliance
And they will be free of negativity
And fear
And they will thrive

Teach the children happiness
Or, if you prefer
Show them the way
And with their own wisdom
They will find the way to happiness

Show them the way
And leave the rest up to them
God has given them the wisdom
To find their own happiness
Trust them and they will

Don’t get in their way
It’s their journey
It’s their life
And what a beautiful life they will create
And we too, their parents and guides, must create our own happiness

Dr. Tony

Monday, January 25, 2016

My Spectacular World Full of Happiness

My Spectacular World
Full of Happiness
Another Happiness Day
My Spectacular World
That happens when I make each day
A day full of happiness
You must believe that to be possible
You must believe that to be the will of the Source
Of all happiness
It is meant to be, it is destiny
If only you seek it
If only you choose it
And then, for sure, it will come about

My Spectacular world
Is a world full of happiness
And the accompanying love and peace
They all come together
But you must choose them all
You must bring them to life
You must find your own happiness
It is for you to determine that
Only you can create it
And when you do so
It will become a wondrous journey through life

And you will make it even more spectacular than it now is
It is within your power
The power is yours

And my last word to you is
Use that power to make the world a better place
Each day
Show it your love, your joy, your calm

Dr. Tony

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Happiness is Beautiful

Happiness is Beautiful
Love Day
Today is love day
Happiness goes well with love
Love is beautiful, so is happiness
Love, peace and joy
They are always together
They are the attributes of God
God is love, peace and happiness
They are beautiful states of wellbeing
Choose to be this way
Choose to be beautiful

Happiness makes you look more beautiful
It gives you a genuine look of beauty
It is the look of inner beauty
True beauty
God’s beauty
It’s a vibrant beauty that shines through
And the world sees it
If you wish to be truly beautiful
Choose to be happy
Choose to be like God

And with your happiness
You will make the world more beautiful
Love, Peace and Joy
What a world you will create

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Happiness is a Gift

Happiness is a Gift
Spirituality Day

Happiness is a gift
A gift
Is something that is given to us
It’s a present from up above
Look around and see what surrounds you
And see what is there for your asking
See what has been given to you
What is in your presence?
To be seen, heard, tasted, smelled and touched

Happiness’s gifts are in our presence
Discover them
Embrace them
Love them
They are yours for the asking
For your enjoyment
Your happiness
Your delight
They are all there for you

Happiness awaits us
Take advantage of it
It’s all around you
What a lucky girl, what a lucky boy
You are
To be deluged with opportunities
For happiness
That brings you love and peace
It’s your happiness


Dr. Tony

Friday, January 22, 2016

What Makes Me Happy Part III

What Makes Me Happy?
Part III
Happiness Day

What makes Me Happy?
Love does
It’s the ultimate giver of happiness
Nothing makes me happier
Than the giving and receiving of love
Child of God
It awaits you

I need happiness
Just as I need God
Happiness and God are one and the same entity
God is love, peace and happiness
They are all One
Unite  with God
And you have them all
It’s heaven on earth
What more could you want?

It’s being cozy and comfy
It’s passing a test
A game of monopoly
My friend whose always there
Mom and dad holding hands
A hug
This is the end of a never ending list

And for me it’s writing this poem
And saying “I love you all”
Dr. Tony

Thursday, January 21, 2016

What Makes Me Happy Part II

What Makes Me Happy?
Part II
My Happiness Day

What Makes Me Happy?
There are so many things
I never realized how many made me happy
I’m such a lucky person
I’m happy when the sun shines on me
And sometimes I enjoy dancing in the rain
Other times I just enjoy the rain
Because it makes the world green

Everything is beginning to make me happy
Moonlight, starlight and rainbows do it
Beautiful clouds drift above me
And above them the sun shines
Straight people and not so straight people
Walk in and out of my life
And they are all beautiful.
Who isn’t?

All the people of the world
Can make me happy
Praise the universe
There’s so much within it to make me happy
Look for it! Find it! And embrace it!
And it will embrace you too
And you will find happiness beyond belief
And it will be all yours

Dr. Tony

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What Makes Me Happy?

What Makes Me Happy?
My Happiness Day

What Makes me Happy?
There’s so much
What a lucky gal/guy I am
I’m happy
When I’m with my friends
When I’m kind and loving
And I like to blow bubbles for fun
Funs nice

What makes me happy?
There are so many things
When my life is going well
When my mom and dad feel good
I’m happy
When my teacher’s nice
Even when my brother tells me stupid stuff
I like my sister sometimes

What makes me happy?
There’s really a lot
Like when I get good grades
And act silly
I’m happy
So much of the time
I’m so lucky to find things that make me happy
And then do them

I guess it’s up to me to make myself happy
I need to do the things that work
The things that make me happy

Dr. Tony
Writing this poem made him happy

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Happiness Decision

The Happiness Decision
Relationship Day
The Happiness Decision
You must have a relationship with happiness
And that involves knowing a lot about what it is all about
Before you choose it

Discover the meaning of happiness
Know what happiness is
And what the decision to be happy entails
Know its value to you
Is it really of great value?

Happiness must be of significant value to you
Before you decide upon it
It is a serious decision
It will be life altering
It will involve change

Happiness is a commitment
And you will not achieve it
Until you embrace it
And totally commit yourself
To the happiness journey

The commitment decision to happiness
Is a whole-hearted pledge
A promise
A dedication to a long term undertaking
Of seeking happiness every minute of every day

Every second
Dedicated to happiness

Dr. Tony