Friday, September 30, 2016

The Search for Wisdom

The Search for Wisdom

The Search for Wisdom

When I write my poems,
I typically look up to God for answers,
Such as for the meaning of wisdom,
And the answers have come down to me,
But now the answers needed are not arriving. 

Why not?
Perhaps there’s no simple answer 
For “What is the meaning of wisdom?”
Then how will I find the answer?
Will I ever find it?

For now we have the answer.
So far that answer is:

Be patient,
And you will discover 
The meaning of wisdom.

And maybe the answer will be different 
For each of us.
There  may be many ways 
To describe the meaning of wisdom.
We’ll keep searching.

Dr. Tony

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Getting to Know God

Getting to Know God

Getting to Know God

Getting to know God, 
What a beautiful journey that will be, 
It will be the ride of a lifetime,
The journey to heaven
And back.

Imagine that journey.
It will open your eyes to the world beyond all worlds.
But really, there is no imagining,
The world beyond.
But maybe, you can catch a glimpse of it.

And that may be enough for you,
To begin your most incredible journey,
The ride that will take you
To heaven on earth.
What more could you ask for?

The universe looks for your answer.
Are you ready for the ride?
Are you ready to get to know God?

Dr. Tony

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Let's Write a Book About God

Let’s Write a Book About God

Let’s Write a Book About God.
Why do that?
Because writing about God 
Will help us get to know 
Him better.

That’s my goal,
To know God better,
And by getting to know Him better
We will learn to live our lives more beautifully.
That will be God’s gift to us.

What more valuable topic
Could one possibly write about?
Imagine, God will show us how to live our lives
The way we should live them
What a gift that will be.

What this means,
By getting to know God better,
We better ourselves.

Dr. Tony

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Book Introduction



This book is a gift from the universe,

To You 
My special readers.

Dr. Tony
Is said to be the author of this book.
However, he claims
These poems came down from up above,
And that is where the true author resides.

He believes
These poems are written by the Source
Who sends you love, peace and joy

And so does Dr. Tony

Monday, September 26, 2016

All My Blogs are Inspired by God

All My Blogs are Inspired by God

All My Blogs are Inspired by God

All these blogs I write
Are inspired by God.

I asked Him for this gift.
And He gave it to me.
He had to!
He promised me He would.
He cannot go back on His promise.

“Ask and you shall receive.”
“Seek and you shall find.”
“Knock and it will be open to you.”
Mathew 7:7

And if you believe, 
It will come about.
God wants to give gifts to you,
Each one of you.

Just ask
And believe wholeheartedly,
And the gift will appear.
It always does.
It’s a promise.

God inspired my blogs,
Because I asked.
He kept His promise.

Dr. Tony

Sunday, September 25, 2016

I was Shy about Letting God into my Book

I was Shy about Letting God into my Book

I was Shy about Letting God into my Book

I’ve gotten over that shyness,
And have become accustomed 
To His wandering in and out the pages of my book. 
It’s interesting having Him around.
I’m getting to appreciate His presence.

I hope you don’t mind his intrusions.
He won’t bother you.
He’s really very nice.
We’ll make sure his visits to this book
Make you feel welcome.

Decide on your relationship with the Spirit of God,
Decide if you want Him to be your companion,
Your guardian, your guide,
Or just a friend whose presence you could enjoy.
Friends are nice to have around.

It’s all up to you,
As it is for me,
To welcome Him or not.
I now realize
How important He is to me.
I’m beginning to value His place in this book.

He’s become important to me.
He’s my friend
Whom I love.
Each of us needs to decide on His place in our lives,
However we may identify Him.

Dr. Tony

Saturday, September 24, 2016

My Task as the author of this Book

My Task as the author of this Book

My Task as the author of this book

My task as the author of this book 
Is to make the world 
A better place.

 Your task
May be the same,
A better world.

Our joint task might be,
Uncover the beauty in the world
For all to enjoy.

Wouldn’t that make an incredible home for us all,
If we all worked together
On this common goal?

What a world this would become? 

My Task as the author of this Book

My Task as the author of this Book

My Task as the author of this book

My task as the author of this book 
Is to make the world 
A better place.

 Your task
May be the same,
A better world.

Our joint task might be,
Uncover the beauty in the world
For all to enjoy.

Wouldn’t that make an incredible home for us all,
If we all worked together
On this common goal?

What a world this would become? 

Find the Way Out

Find the Way Out

Find the Way Out

You can do it. 
I know you can, 
If only you believe,
You can conquer your anxiety,
Or nervousness, or fears or worries,
No matter what you want to call it.

You can win.
You will.
Each one of you has that gift
From the Source,
Who cares for each one of us,
Without exception.

How could the giver of that gift
Choose not to empower us,
Any less than any other human being? 
No one, no one at all
Is more worthy than you,
No one less.

The only thing
You could ever be lacking,
Would be your belief,
That such a gift could be given you.
It has,
And you must believe it.

The universe watches over you,
Loves you and cares for you.
Accept it’s gift.

Dr. Tony

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Peace, Love and Joy

Peace, Love and Joy

Peace, Love and Joy

Is just another word for calm.
It’s never far from love and joy.

Is not found in a whirlwind of activity.
It’s found in the calmness of life and the joy of living.

Is not found in chaos and violence.
It is found wherever there is peace and love.

Peace, love and joy
Are always in a relationship.
They are the source of all that is.

Does that make the source
The essence of life 
And goodness?

That’s a beautiful thought.

You are wished 
Peace, love and joy.
It’s everything.

Dr. Tony

Peaceful Stillness

Peaceful Stillness

Peaceful Stillness

Peaceful Stillness,
It’s the stillness in which God resides.
Be Still!
Your senses work best when you are still.
So why not be still?
God will only talk to you when you are quiet.

You can only hear God when you are peaceful,
When you are placid and serene.
Why would He talk to you when you are not listening?
So look for Him,
In the stillness of the night,
In the quiet of the day.

Be still!
Find a moment of peaceful stillness
To hear God’s voice.
It will be worth your while.
He is always ready and eager to speak to you.
And you have got to be eager to hear the beautiful voice of God.

Dr. Tony

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Wisdom Within Can Help You

The Wisdom Within Can Help You

The Wisdom Within Can Help You

Why ask the wisdom within for help?
The truth is we all have more wisdom
Than we have ever imagined,
So much more, it’s unbelievable.

Go within
And you might find out
That you’re smarter than you think.
You do have more wisdom 
Than you thought.

Now is the time to use it,
To help reduce your anxiety.
We have learned over the years
To look within and find the answers.

Have you done anything in the past
To reduce your anxiety?
You may be surprised
You do have some solutions of your own.

We all have more wisdom than believed.
Now is the time to uncover
The techniques we do possess.

Now is the time
To use our wisdom within.

Dr. Tony

Monday, September 19, 2016





It may mean the ability to ask for help.
If you want to achieve something,
Get on it.
After you have read this poem.

Take advantage of all avenues to get what you need,
All of them.
Overlook none.
It will take all your energy 
To overcome your anxiety.

Go all the way .
Give it your very best.
You have to show your stuff to the giver,
If you really want the gift.
He won’t give it unless you want it badly.

So now you’re ready to ask
With confidence.
It feels good,
It always feels good,
If you’re ready to receive.

And now is the time,
The time to reduce your anxiety.
You can only do it now.
Tomorrow will disappear tomorrow.
Now always awaits you..

It’s time to ask. 

Dr. Tony

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Don't Look Outside Yourself for Peace

Don’t Look Outside Yourself for Peace

Don’t Look Outside Yourself for Peace

Don’t look outside Yourself for Peace.
Look within.
Then you’ll be in the right place.
You’ll be where we solve all our problems.
That’s where our wisdom resides.

That’s also where our peace resides. 
How do you get there?
Your breath will take you there.
It will take you deep within,
Into the calmness of your being.

In and out.
Follow your breath 
Into the inner sanctum of your soul,
Where your peace resides.

And you will find peace,
Your peace. 
It awaits you,
In the calmness of your spirit.

We’re all capable of finding it.
Dr. Tony