Thursday, March 31, 2016

Be Free of Anxiety

Be Free of Anxiety
Anxiety Reduction Month

Be Free of Anxiety
This is our goal.
We want to be free of anxiety.

What is it?
It’s a state of uneasiness,
Apprehension and worry
About what’s going to happen.

It can get to the level of being a mental health disorder,
A feeling of powerlessness,
The inability to cope
With whatever appears to be threatening us.

We want to be free from anxiety.
It’s unhealthy.
It can kill us in a variety of ways,
Way before our time.

We can free ourselves
From what we have previously called,
The anxiety demon,
Who’s not a very nice guy.

Our goal is freedom,
Free to be happy and at peace.
Free to love and live
And be ourselves.

This is anxiety reduction month.
A time to discuss
Our anxiety solutions.
That will be our focus this month.

Dr. Tony

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Anxiety Solutions

Anxiety Solutions
Caring for Self Day

Anxiety Solutions

DrTony’s Anxiety Solutions
And the Wisdom Within

That is the title of the book that I am writing.

The following is a list of
Anxiety Solutions,
That will be addressed in the book
And in my April poems.

The Wisdom Within
Is your wisdom,
You the reader of the poems.

The List

--Ask for help from the wisdom within you.
--Believe your wisdom will take care of you.
--Focus on the present.
--Think positive thoughts.
--Understand the consequences of negative thinking.
--Identify the onset of anxiety.
--Replace anxiety with peace and calm.
--Learn from the past, how to reduce anxiety.
--Breathe for inner peace.
--Discover anxiety triggers.
--Avoid the persons, places and things associated with anxiety.
--Use the anxiety/calmness scale.
--Uncover the negative thoughts that create anxiety.
--Put energy into the process of finding solutions.

And if you do all this,
You will be free of anxiety,
And I will walk you through this
In the next month and beyond.
Dr. Tony

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Releasing Anxiety

Releasing Anxiety
Free of Anxiety Day

Releasing Anxiety
So what do I do if I am anxious?
What is the step I should take?
This is something only I can determine.
I decide on how my therapy will evolve,
And how I will release my anxiety.
I will be given direction,
But I will make the final decisions.

Releasing my anxiety--
I am the only one who can do that.
I am the only one who knows the best way.
I can use direction, support and encouragement,
But it’s up to me.
I must take responsibility
For the direction of my life.

Releasing my anxiety--
I am my own best therapist.
I know myself better than anyone else.
For me and my therapist,
To do our own best work,
We must be in total agreement.
We must be of one mind.

To release my anxiety
I need a plan.

Tomorrow we will list the solutions
That were provided in the past five blogs.
They comprise a list of over a dozen solutions,
For releasing anxiety.
From them you may begin to draw up your plan.

Dr. Tony

Monday, March 28, 2016

My Anxiety Reduction Journey

My Anxiety Reduction Journey
Another Anxiety Focused Day
My Anxiety Reduction Journey

The focus of my anxiety reduction journey 
Involves eliminating all anxiety, 
 One little step at a time.
That’s it! 
When do I start?
What’s the first issue I will deal with?
It’s all up to me.
I make all the choices.

This is my journey.
Every step on this journey is mine to make.
It’s no one else’s.
It’s mine.
That’s the beauty of it,
Only I can make it work.
I will!
I will make it work.

When do I start?
I already know that.
It will be when I am willing to do so.
It will be totally up to me
To resolving my anxiety issues.
I will choose to stay anxious,
Or I will choose to slay the anxiety demon. 
I will decide between the two.

The best time to make this decision
Is now!
Better now than never.
But if not now
Then soon, whenever you are ready.

Dr. Tony

Sunday, March 27, 2016

More One-Step Anxiety Reduction Topics

More One-Step Anxiety Reduction Topics
Love Day

More One-Step Anxiety Reduction topics

It’s Monday, Love Day,
It’s time for me to go to the source of all love,
And ask for help reducing anxiety.
I probably need some help.
I could try it alone,
But I think it’s better to ask for help.
I’m going to check later
On how many times I asked for help today.

Here are more topics I can choose to work on:
Practice focusing on being in the present moment.
List the benefits of positive thinking.
List the consequences of negative thinking.
Identify situations that herald the onset of my anxiety.
I will deal with one issue at a time.
That’s all I can do,
I’ll keep it simple!

And here are more anxiety reduction topics:
How can I promote calm and peace within myself?
What has worked in the past?
How can I use my breathing to relax?
Here’s what I can do:
Every time I am anxious
I can focus on my breathing until I am calm.
I am going to give it a try!

I won’t be overwhelmed by the above list!
I will make each topic I choose easy to do.
If it seems difficult,
I won’t do it,
Until I can make it easy to do.
Easy does it!
It’s just one step at a time.
I’m going to make it really easy to do.

Dr. Tony

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Anxiety Reduction One-Step Topics

Anxiety Reduction One-Step Topics
Spirituality Day

Anxiety One-Step Topics
Photography Credit: Scenescapery
A number of topics follow.
Limit each topic; make it so small,
It will invariably be attainable.
You can work on it a day or two or more.
Enjoy your first endeavor on a topic.
It will be sufficient for now,
Or a variation of the topic may evolve,
And become the task for the next lesson.

These are a number of topics you can use for now,
Or you can find your own topic.
It doesn’t matter.
It’s your anxiety reduction journey.
Do your thing!

List your own anxiety topics,
Or choose from the those identified below.
Anxiety triggers,
Or call them vulnerabilities.
Persons, places and things to avoid.
My anxiety scale,
From calm to highly anxious,
Negative thoughts that create anxiety.

It will be a good start.
Keep it simple.
You’ll get there,
And you will grow!

And it will always a beautiful journey
Dr. Tony

Friday, March 25, 2016

One-Step Anxitey Reduction Techniques

One-Step Anxiety Reduction Approach
Happiness Day
One-Step Anxiety Reduction Approach
Do only what you can do.
That’s the one-step approach,
Doing something so small it will invariably
Be attainable.
We don’t want to choose a task that will not be attainable,
That would be senseless.
However, if we are unable to complete a chosen task,
We have to identify why not.
That becomes the new task,
Identifying the reasons why they were not attained.
Then our goal becomes finding the next appropriate task
And achieving it.
Once we have done that,
We can move on to the next issue.

The above describes
The one-step anxiety reduction approach.
It involves achieving one task at a time

Dr. Tony

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Revisit Anxiety

Revisit Anxiety
Healthy Living Day

Revisit Anxiety
Photography Credit: Scenescapery

Today is healthy living day.
It’s a day to revisit and reduce anxiety,
But just a tiny bit at a time.
That’s all you need to do.
Take one little step.  
That’s our new approach
To reducing anxiety.

Make sure it’s a small step.
We’ll do it again and again,
And tiny little gains will add up.
It will be so easy.
There are no monumental tasks.
It’s our new approach.
Take one little step at a time.

Let’s see how you can do that,
And it will be all your doing.
Even the tiny choices will be up to you,
And after you choose your first or next step
You’ll say
I can do that!
It’s easy.

Everyone can do it.
You can too.
Work only on one tiny goal at a time,
Like asking God’s help,
Or taking a deep breath when you’re nervous.
It’s one little step at a time.
That’s all.

And we’ll do more tomorrow.
Just a little bit! One little step!
Dr. Tony

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Art of Relationship

The Art of Relationship
Caring for Self Day

The Art of Relationship
If it’s truly a relationship,
It’s a thing of beauty,
And it becomes an art form
Like a painting, a sculpture, a poem or a song.
It’s a wondrous thing to behold.
It’s the dance of two lovers
Sharing words, touches, glances,
Performing as a couple
In perfect oneness.

The art of relationship
Is an art form,
A communication of love.
It’s not a once upon a time,
It’s a relationship,
A forever and ever dance
To a song of love,
With its unique melody.
It’s two
With the heartbeat of one.

Is a relationship.
It’s an ongoing portrayal of love.
It will never fall apart,
If it’s a genuine relationship.
If your relationship is not real,
It will fall apart.
But a marriage is a fully developed relationship
It a forever and ever dance
It’s a real relationship

Real relationships last forever
Dr. Tony

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What’s Marriage All About?

What’s Marriage All About?
Relationship Day

What’s Marriage All About?

It’s whatever you want it to be about.
Uh-oh! I forgot to tell you,
That the “you” I mentioned above,
Is really about the two of “you”.
That changes everything!

Now I have to think about me and her
Not just me.
This is getting complicated.
I’m not used to thinking about someone else.
This is new to me.

Oh boy! I’m not so sure of this anymore.
Maybe I’ll have to make some changes.
Maybe I’ll have to listen to her more.
She might have her own thoughts on stuff.
And they may be just a little bit different from mine.
I may have to rethink what marriage is about. 
I don’t think this is all about me anymore.
And I thought marriage would be easier’

Today is relationship day.
So now I have to remember marriage is about relationship too.
I’m going to have to learn about that too.
I may be getting  into something that might be over my head.
What do I do now?

I’m not sure.
I may have to try to understand her.
And maybe I won’t get my way all the time.
There’s an awful lot I haven’t thought about before.
I guess I have some work to do.

It might be worth your while.
Dr. Tony

Monday, March 21, 2016

How Learn to Love?

How Learn to Love?
Child and Family Day 
How Learn to Love?

We start by going slowly.
We’ll take our time.
We’ll do it one little step at a time.
That’s how we’re going to do it.
We’re never in a hurry.
It’s the one step approach.

Let’s start with what we know about love.
Will take little steps.
Maybe we can start with telling people we love them.
That means you are becoming aware of love.
That’s the beginning – It’s good!
It’s just one little step.

Learning to love – That’s what we’re doing.
Then you’ll come up with your next little step.
Maybe it will be a smile or an hello,
Or maybe you’ll start looking at someone,
And listening to them.
That’s love!

Now we’re loving -- one  little step at a time.
It’s so simple.
It’s so easy.
It’s just one little love step.
You’ve got it!
And you’re already making this a better world.

And what a beautiful world yours has become.
Dr. Tony